Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Waiting for summer....

Hey everyone!  This is Bella.  I know, I know...it's been a few weeks since the last post. My mom wanted me to explain that she has a job where she works on the computer all day so she doesn't have time to update my blog as much as she'd like. :)  But she will try to do it when she can!  In the meantime, I wanted to share a fun video with everyone!  My dad made it. It's a video about me doing the thing I love best...diving after a ball into a pool!  Yep, I LOVE water, and dock diving is my new favorite hobby!   Watch for me...the little mini-goldendoodle in this video. You can see me at :12 and :38. You will see a lot of other dogs jumping too.  Have a great week everyone!